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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sorry to My Readers.

Hello I hope this reaches each and everyone of you in the best of health. I haven't been posting deals due to some illness within my family. I have a couple of family members in the hospital and I have been out of town since Friday Morning. So, I'm asking that you please don't stop reading my blog or unsubscribe to my feeds or FB because I will be back on Tuesday to post up all the deals!!

Once again I do apologize, I know that I have mentioned several sites, blogs that you can be searching for great deals!!! Thanks for all your support and I will chat with you all very soon!


Unknown said...

You do what you need to do for your famly hun..anyone who does not get that family and real life comes first has issues.. Praying they get better soon

Kasie said...

Thank you for the kind words. My aunt passed today and grandma is still in the hospital. Thank you for your prayers!

Letherton said...

I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi.
Take a minute an check my blog out
I have lots of great giveaways going on.
Thanks :)
