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Friday, April 9, 2010

FACEBOOK: Free $5.00 from PayPal for Smartphones!

Paypal is giving away FREE $5.00 for Blackberry, Android, or iPhone users!! Only for the first 4,000 Paypal members who respond to this offer so Hurry over on this one!!

Here's how to score this FREE Money:

•You must have a U.S. PayPal account in good standing

•Download the Blackberry, Android, or iPhone Paypal App

•Send a request for $5.00 to cashback@paypal.com using your mobile phone no later than April 11, 2010 at 11:59:59 pm Pacific Time

•First 4000 people to respond to this offer will get it.

The funds will be transferred into your PayPal account no later than April 16, 2010, as long as your account is in good standing at the time of the transfer.

Click HERE to read more details on this. I just did it, very easy!

Thanks Smart CouponinG!