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Monday, February 15, 2010

My dedicated Readers!!

Well its been several months since I started this blog and I am starting to learn a lot of new things about blogging. This is all new to me and I am very blessed to have friends and family who actually like what I do and look forward to what I can do for you. I know a lot of your stores don't double or triple but I promise you that you can save money at the stores you do have in your area!!! I get most of my stuff from Walgreens, CVS, Target, and Walmart. So YES u can save lots of money and learn how to never pay retail again!!!! 
If you can bare with me while I try to learn this whole blogging thing. I want to create a atmosphere to where you wanna come in and enjoy reading my posts!!! I am glad you take the time to look over what I have to offer and with the help of many other SAHM bloggers I can make this happen. So, if you can spare me a little time I will try my hardest to keep you all updated on my life, and the latest deals!!!

Also I am going to start a blog for my children. As you all know Lexi had a liver transplant on 7-1-08 and Organ Donation month is April!! So I really want to start one for the kids!! But, I need to get this one under control before I start another one lol!! 
I love each and everyone of you!! May God be with you all and bless all of you the way he has blessed me and my family!!! Its time for bed!! Hugs and Kisses!! NITE!!