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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Glade Sense and Spray @ CVS this week $1. Each!

Ok SO people have been asking Me (FRIENDS, FAMILY, CHRISTY LOL) to give them an example of what to do!! Create me a list, show me how to do a single transaction to get me started!! Here's one for you at CVS right now. You can print 2 of these coupons by hitting the back button after you print the first one.  Print 2 use both in a single transaction and after deducting that and the money you recieve (ECB CVS MONEY) you will end up paying $1 + tax each for these Glade Sense & Sprays Heres How to work the Magic

Buy (2)  Glade Sense & Sprays $6= $12.00
Use (2) $3/1 Glade Sense & Spray Printable Coupons
Recieve $4 Extra Bucks
Final Price after Extra Bucks and coupons: $1/each
There are 3 different coupons out that are $3.00/1 (candle, sense and spray, and the fan one just work it the same!!) This is a limit of 3 so you can do this deal 3 times!!

BAM!! There you go!! now go to the store and come back and show me a pic of what you got!!! This will be addicting once you do it!!!