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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Great News for ME!!!

I wanted to share some things with you all!! So I have been blogging about couponing. I have a dear friend named Shelley. She was the owner of  Texas Coupon Chicks. Well she gave me her website so Now I am proud to day I am the new Owner of Texas Coupon Chicks!!! SO thanks to her for all her hard work!! I am in the process of doing some changes to the website and really hope you can help me make it a success!!! I ordered some business cards from Vista Print tonight and will have them in within the next couple of weeks.

Shelley has been a dear friend of mine since we started couponing. WE were part of a coupon site that we thought was built on integrity, respect, love. But boy were we wrong. So Shells decided to start this website! We all have been a part of it and have made life long friends just by clipping a coupon! So, I would like to give props to my girl Shelley and thank her for all she's done for me and my family. She is the most caring person in the world a BIG BIG heart!! I love you girl!!

Ok, so if you can be patient with me I am making changes to the website! Making it my baby! Please join the forums and post post post!!!

Thanks again and Happy SHopping!!