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Sunday, January 31, 2010

HUGGIES PULL UPS!! CHEAP Walgreens 2/7/10

Potty training? Me no thank you my baby is 9!!! ! Ill get some for my nephews Kobe, Omar, and Raymond !! I know its a great find for  you mommies out there !!! 3RR with the purchase of Huggies, Pull-Ups, or Goodnights @ $8.99. Depending on your coupons this could be close to the best deal on these Pull ups!! 

Pull-ups @ 8.99
- $2 MQ
- $1 Childrens Activity Book!! (look for them at front or back end of store)
= $5.99 OOP with a $3 RR
$2.99 a pack!

There is also a $1/1 out on diapers, so not the best deal for that Q. There is also a $1.50/1 out for the Goodnights.

Thanks to  AFC


How to roll and get cheap diapers Starting with 3.00 RR

Transaction # 1 
1-Mens Dove BW 5.99
1-vday Pencil .20
Total 6.19
-1.50 Dove IP (or 1.25 mfc)
-3.00 RR
-IVC for pencils
TOTAL 1.69 + tax or more depending if you have printables or 3.00 RR to start off with

Transaction 2
1- Pack Huggies 8.99
1-poligrip 2.00
1- vday pencil .20
Total 11.19
- 2.00 IP or MFC
-1.50 IP or 1.00 (1/3)
-IVC for Pencil
-6.00 RR from Dove above
TOTAL .69 or more depending on coupons

Repeat but on trans action 2 use the RR from Huggies and Poligrip!!!

Happy Shopping!!!