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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Plan on Buying Kids Games for Christmas or Birthdays?

Hasbro has put out some great coupons just in time for Christmas or even a Birthday!!! Click on the link below and you will find great coupons to save a little extra for that game or toy you plan on buying!!!! There are over $75.00 in printable Hasbro coupons available. These coupons may vary by zip code so jump on it!! Get them while they are still available to print!

Click here to print the following Hasbro toy coupons!

- $2 Mr Potato Head Toy

- $3 Playskool Gloworm
- $4/1 Monopoly City

- $4/1 Connect 4x4
- $5 Mr Potato Head Spud Buds
- $5 Playskool Busy Ball Popper
- $5/1 Clue: Secrets & Spies
- $5 Pictureka Flipper
- $5 DinoRoars Hatchlings

- $5 Playskool Step Start Walk’nRide
- $5 Swing 'n Score Baseball
- $5 My Little Pony (purchase of $20 or more)
- $5 Tumble 'n Twirl

- $5 Mr Potato Head Silly Suitcase
- $10 Dance Cam - $10 Musical Sit 'n Spin5 Playskool Activity Ball
- $10 Dino Roars Stompers
- $10 Playskool Dance Cam